No more band-aid solutions.
Cure your child’s processing disorder with Physio-Neuro Therapy.

No more band-aid solutions.
Cure your child’s processing disorder with Physio-Neuro Therapy.

We assist when bright kids can’t learn.
Neurolinks’ Physio-Neuro Therapy is a comprehensive one-on-one program that combines mental and physical exercises to strengthen the ten ways your child’s brain processes the world around them. A unique and personalized approach, Neurolinks treats and permanently corrects the underlying causes of academic, social and behavioral issues.
Contact us to hear how we have helped hundreds of children and adults suffering from processing disorders.
If three or more of these scenarios sound familiar, your child may be a candidate for Neurolinks’ Physio-Neuro Therapy program.
- Is your child easily distracted?
- Does your child struggle to understand instructions?
- Is your child often forgetful?
- Is your child’s academic performance consistently below average?
- Has tutoring been ineffective?
- Is your child socially awkward?
- Is your child easily frustrated when learning new material?
- Is your child clumsy and easily overwhelmed?
- Does your child struggle with tasks that require coordination?
- Does your child act impulsively?
If three or more of these scenarios sound familiar, your child may be a candidate for Neurolinks’ Physio-Neuro Therapy program.
- Is your child easily distracted?
- Does your child struggle to understand instructions?
- Is your child often forgetful?
- Is your child’s academic performance consistently below average?
- Has tutoring been ineffective?
- Is your child socially awkward?
- Is your child easily frustrated when learning new material?
- Is your child clumsy and easily overwhelmed?
- Does your child struggle with tasks that require coordination?
- Does your child act impulsively?
Neurolinks can help with:

Reading Problems
Visual Tracking Issues
Memory Problems
Pattern Discrimination
Spatial Discrimination
Social Awkwardness
Poor Time Management
Easily Overwhelmed
Neurolinks can help with:
Reading Problems • Dyslexia
Visual Tracking Issues • ADD/ADHD
Memory Problems • Pattern Discrimination
Dyspraxia • Spatial Discrimination
Dyscalculia • Dysgraphia
Social Awkwardness • Poor Time Management
Clumsiness • Inattentiveness
Easily Overwhelmed • Impulsivity
What sets Neurolinks apart from other programs?

We get to the root of the problem, rather than just treating the symptoms.

All-around approach
We focus on every area of processing, not just one or two issues. All weaknesses must be addressed for each child to reach their full potential.

Physio-Neuro Therapy reprograms the brain using specific exercises to strengthen the muscles in the brain, providing a permanent solution.

Each child receives a program tailored specifically to their needs. We consistently integrate new research into the Physio-Neuro Therapy curriculum.