Frequently Asked Questions
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What makes Neurolinks different from other programs?
There are ten different processing difficulties one can experience, from auditory to sensory to visual processing disorders. Children who struggle with processing usually experience weaknesses in a number of areas, not just one. Physio-Neuro Therapy differs from other programs because it targets all the underlying issues whereby every processing difficulty is addressed. This helps the growth of the whole child, so that when they have completed the Neurolinks program there is a significant, noticeable improvement.
Neurolink’s Physio-Neuro Therapy program includes different physical and mental activities that create new pathways in the brain and enable those with processing difficulties to process information easily.
How long does the Neurolinks program typically take?
Is Neurolinks a computer program?
Neurolinks is not a computer program. The program is completed either in-person or virtually with an instructor. The program creates fluent readers out of non-readers, where children are able to read at their grade level after participating in our program. Through various physical, neurological and auditory exercises we are able to help those who have been diagnosed with ADD, dyslexia, are unable to focus, are impulsive or socially awkward. Upon completing the program children are able to focus and sit still, as well as behave appropriately during class and in social settings.
What ages do you work with?
We work with individuals ages six through adults.
What type of work will you be doing with my child?
What time of day do sessions take place?
The Neurolinks offices are open 10am to 7pm, Monday through Thursday, and 12pm to 8pm on Sundays. Depending on a child’s schedule, sessions can take place whenever most convenient for them and their family. We have some children who attend their session during the day, so as to have a break from school; while others prefer after school.
While attending Neurolinks, should my child still be completing regular homework?
How does the Neurolinks program help with behavior and social issues?
What happens when my child completes the program? Are they cured for life or is it possible they might need to complete the program again when they are older? Is any maintenance required?
Neurolinks provides a cure, so the program never needs to be repeated a second time. Humans are constantly processing the world around them, and through Physio-Neuro Therapy new brain pathways are reinforced creating permanent changes in the brain.