Success Stories
Chaim’s Journey From Dyslexia to Becoming a Bookworm

Chaim was a regular 5 year old, he loved to run outside, play ball and ride his bike around the neighborhood. True, he could sometimes act a little rambunctious, but he was good-natured and always smiling. When he entered first grade, his parents started noticing a change in him. Chaim began struggling academically and had a hard time keeping up with this class. Although he had been able to grasp the alef-beis in previous years, when he started learning how to read he was lost. Chaim had been able to memorize the letters, but formulating words seemed almost impossible to him.
“Before attending Neurolinks, Chaim was very bored after school. Now he comes home and learns Mishnayos or reads whatever he can get his hands on.”
“Our whole family became involved. Every time Chany reached a milestone, all her siblings would cheer her on and celebrate with her.”
A Remedial Teacher Turns to Neurolinks for Her Own Daughter

Mrs. Stern had been a remedial teacher for years. She knew all the signs of a struggling student, and she was certain that her daughter, Chany, was presenting signs of a processing disorder. Chany started experiencing physical delays when she was just a baby. She took a long time to crawl and walk. She didn’t speak a word when other children her age were conversing fluently. When Chany was two and a half years-old, she started receiving physical and occupational therapies, but it didn’t seem to help much. “I realized something else must be wrong. I suspected that she wasn’t processing properly, as her output was very delayed,” recalls Mrs. Stern.
How Neurolinks Helped My Daughter Overcome Her Processing Disorder

Shani Bloom was a dream baby. She was an early walker and talker, potty trained withouta fuss and was a happy, easy-going toddler. Although her older siblings required early intervention therapies, Shani seemed to have gotten a free pass. But when Shani entered Kindergarten her mother started noticing that things were not quite right. As her classmates were getting very familiar with the alphabet, Shani still struggled to recognize letters and could not connect letters and sounds.