How Neurolinks’ Physio-Neuro Therapy Works

Neurolinks, a nationally acclaimed Physio-Neuro Therapy Program, is designed to help those suffering from Processing Disorders. Physio-Neuro Therapy was first introduced to the educational world in 1988 to assist those struggling academically, socially and behaviorally; with the likes of ADHD, dyslexia and lack of focus.

Although tutoring and other therapies may help those struggling academically, the results are rarely long lasting. These methods merely treat the symptoms, providing a band-aid solution. They don’t focus on the underlying causes of an individual’s Processing Disorder. Neurolinks, on the other hand, provides a long-term cure by rewiring the brain and creating necessary pathways for processing academic, social, emotional and behavioral cues.

Furthermore, those struggling usually have problems with more than one brain process, and require assistance with multiple neurological areas. Physio-Neuro Therapy is unique in that it treats all processing difficulties at once, rather than focusing on one disorder. This ensures that the results of the program are not only all encompassing, but permanent too.

How Neurolinks’ Physio-Neuro Therapy Works

How Neurolinks’ Physio-Neuro Therapy Works

Neurolinks, a nationally acclaimed Physio-Neuro Therapy Program, is designed to help those suffering from Processing Disorders. Physio-Neuro Therapy was first introduced to the educational world in 1988 to assist those struggling academically, socially and behaviorally; with the likes of ADHD, dyslexia and lack of focus.

Although tutoring and other therapies may help those struggling academically, the results are rarely long lasting. These methods merely treat the symptoms, providing a band-aid solution. They don’t focus on the underlying causes of an individual’s Processing Disorder. Neurolinks, on the other hand, provides a long-term cure by rewiring the brain and creating necessary pathways for processing academic, social, emotional and behavioral cues.

Furthermore, those struggling usually have problems with more than one brain process, and require assistance with multiple neurological areas. Physio-Neuro Therapy is unique in that it treats all processing difficulties at once, rather than focusing on one disorder. This ensures that the results of the program are not only all encompassing, but permanent too.

Physio-Neuro Therapy strengthens the underperforming areas of the brain through physical and mental exercises of increasing complexity.

The program employs an intense one-on-one method to strengthen cognitive skills and treat each individual’s specific needs. Only when a student masters one exercise will they move on to the next. These exercises engage the body and the mind simultaneously and strengthen the weak areas of the brain, while increasing the brain’s capacity to learn and perform learning tasks.

Physio-Neuro Therapy strengthens the underperforming areas of the brain through physical and mental exercises of increasing complexity.

The program employs an intense one-on-one method to strengthen cognitive skills and treat each individual’s specific needs. Only when a student masters one exercise will they move on to the next. These exercises engage the body and the mind simultaneously and strengthen the weak areas of the brain, while increasing the brain’s capacity to learn and perform learning tasks.

How Do I Get Started?



The first step is to have the individual evaluated. Yehudis Klein, the Neurolinks Director, will identify specific challenges the student is experiencing and their root cause. She will determine whether they are suffering from a Processing Disorder and if they are a good candidate for the program. She will also provide details on how long the individual will need to participate in the program, results that can be expected and an outline of the fees.


Neurolinks Program

A customized Physio-Neuro Therapy program is created, with hundreds of exercises tailored to meet each individual’s needs.

  • Once a week, a one-hour session takes place at a Neurolinks center or virtually with an instructor. Students are also asked to work at home with a family member, four or five times a week, for approximately half an hour to an hour a day. We also offer the option of attending additional sessions at a Neurolinks center or hiring a tutor for daily practice sessions at home.
  • Progress is tracked weekly to ensure that the student is on track, and a final evaluation is performed at the end of the program, if requested.
  • The program typically takes six to seven months, although in some cases it can take a little longer. In 93% of cases students do not require any additional tutoring, and 99% of students report substantial improvement, once they’ve completed the program.

The Neurolinks team aims to reach and assist as many individuals as possible, with the belief that every person deserves to reach their full potential and achieve success – some just need a little more assistance than others.

Test your child at home to determine whether Neurolinks can help.